Eversion II

Elizabeth Hotel | Northern Colorado

Installation Information

Haley Bates received her Master of Fine Arts Degree from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, MI in 2002. In 2003, she accepted a position as head of the Metalsmithing and Jewelry program at Colorado State University, where she is currently an Associate Professor of Art. She is also a founding member of Telegraph Art Collective. Having lived in both extremely rural and highly urban areas, this polarity of place informs much of her work. Her work has been published in American Craft and Metalsmith magazine, and exhibited both nationally and internationally. Haley Bates’ works nod to a traditionally grandiose style with her modern pieces, ReVision. Her combination of a hard material with a soft, fluid, and organic shape addresses the flexibility of nature.


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Size and Materials: 36” H x 36” W x 18” D