How Gen Z will Impact Hospitality Design

October 9, 2018 Posted In

Written by Holly Welles, Mile High CRE

Generation Z, the younger siblings of the tech-savvy millennials, has never known a world without technology such as cell phones and smart devices, making them even savvier than their millennial counterparts. Generation Z, also known as iGen, is made up of roughly 65 million people, depending upon which charts you look at.

By 2020, Gen Z will make up approximately 40 percent of all U.S. consumers. With such a massive hold on the market share, their buying behaviors and attitudes will impact every segment of society, including hospitality design.

To design for Gen Z, you first have to understand how the generation as a whole absorbs information and consumes goods. This allows your hotel to come up with a plan to meet the needs of this unique generation. Here are seven specific steps you can take to attract this upcoming group of guests:

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