The Definitive Guide to Everything You Need to Do, See, Eat, Drink, and Smoke in Denver

April 30, 2018 Posted In

Written by Sarah Abell, Fathom

DENVER, Colorado — I was born and bred in Denver and started skiing as soon as I could walk, spending every weekend in the mountains as part of Eskimo Ski Club or using season passes in Vail and Aspen. Like most teenagers, I fled my hometown as soon as I graduated high school and moved west to San Francisco for college (with stints at Fordham in the Bronx followed by a semester in Florence, Italy). A few years of post-grad life in San Francisco included managing a coffee shop, working in the marketing department for the San Francisco Opera and being a part of the company’s first full cycle of Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen (a dream come true for this opera nerd), then landing my first job in PR before moving to Stockholm, where I co-owned a language consultancy with another American expat. After nearly three years of bright and blissful summers and dark, cold winters, I moved back to the United States and got a great job with the restaurant and hospitality agency of my dreams in New York City. After ten years, we opened an office in Denver, and I packed my bags and headed home. My parents still live in the same house where I grew up, and one of my brothers lives about eight blocks away from me. Colorado has more than 300 days of sun a year, so even when it’s blisteringly cold out, chances are the sun is shining.

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